zfs.rent ------------------------- Terms of Service & Service Level Agreement ------------------------- INTRODUCTORY TERMS: ZFS.RENT LLC (the Company) is the publisher and operator of zfs.rent (the Site) whereby the Company makes certain computer technology hosting services (the Services) available to the Client. In this document, first-person pronouns (We, Us, Our, Ours, etc.) refer to the Company; and second-person pronouns (You, Yours, User, End-User, Their, etc.) refer to the Client. The terms "disk" and "drive" refer to electro-mechanical data storage devices commonly known as "hard disk drives" or "hard drives". The terms "SSD" and "NVMe" refer to flash-based storage devices commonly known as "solid-state drives" and their NVMe-based variants, respectively. The term "datacenter" refers to Hurricane Electric, our primary colocation provider located in Fremont, CA. PREFACE: This document was created on November 28th, 2020. Future revisions may be amended to this document, in which case, users will be notified and be required to accept the new terms in order to continue service. THE SERVICE: The Service, provided by The Company, includes one or more of the following: * Client support via email or telephone. * (VPS) Virtual Private Server rentals. * Packaged sale of internet bandwidth (data movement). * Computer hardware processing, shipping, and handling. TERMS OF SERVICE: Upon violation of one or more of the terms listed below, the Company reserves the right to terminate all aspects of the Service. 1. Users shall comply with United States federal regulations and laws. Users shall comply with their local jurisdiction's regulations and laws. a) These regulations and laws may include statues regarding file encryption, illegal content hosting, use taxes, denial-of-service attacks, spam origination, and import/export sanctions. 2. Service termination may occur upon the Client's failure to pay invoices within two weeks of issuance. 3. Users MUST NOT illegally host copyrighted material. In other words, this is not an opportunity to create illegal BitTorrent seedboxes. SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT: 1. Ideally, there will be no downtime or degradation of the Service. However, hardware and software failures may occur. The Company agrees to maintain at least 99% service uptime. The datacenter provides one or more gigabit full-duplex Internet links. Users can reasonably expect over 100 megabits per second at all times, and nearly 950 megabits per second outside of peak loads. If severe network degradation (<50 mbps) occurs, then the Service is considered degraded. If the Service is degraded for more than one hour, then it is considered "down". If the Company fails to meet the service uptime agreement, users may submit a request to cancel their service and/or request their drive shipped to a valid United States postal address, free of charge. In this case, any outstanding invoices are voided. Or, users may elect to receive 1 month of Service credit for each actively hosted VPS. 2. The Company is not obligated to provide physical disk redundancy to mitigate data-loss. However, redundant electrical power sources are provided by the datacenter. a) We take nightly snapshots of the users' boot drives. Upon SSD/NVMe failure, we will revert to the latest snapshot. Snapshots are retained for a maximum of 30 days. 3. Maintenance: a) Users will receive timely notice of emergency maintenance operations. For example: motherboard failure. The datacenter is open 24/7/365 and we intend to resolve issues as soon as possible. b) Users will receive reasonable notice (at least one week) of scheduled maintenance operations. For example: relocating a server chassis. (Relocating a server chassis to a new rack may take about 30 minutes.) c) During all maintenance operations, when possible, VPS machines will be suspended to disk and resumed once maintenance is complete.